MYTHKIT : resonance + manifestations
Blotched Hyacinth Orchid (2024)
Tea Tree Orchid (2024)
Flying Duck Orchid (2024)
Copper Beard Orchid (2024)
Lizard Orchid (2024)
MYTHKIT : resonance + manifestations
MYTHKIT : resonance + manifestations

Mythkit : resonance + manifestations delves into biodiversity through the intricate lens of coevolution, exploring the self-organising nature of life. 

Through observing orchids' extreme forms and varieties, influenced by climatic and interspecies relationships, Haywood provokes future reflections on our own coevolutionary relationships and responsibilities.

She is committed to the role of the artist in ecological collapse, tasked with forging new narratives and relationships, highlighting interspecies interactions in tangible forms—materials, sounds, and tactile experiences. Tacit narratives invite us to navigate liminal spaces of encounter and new experience, hospicing and welcoming change; cultivating care/joy amidst the sixth mass extinction.

Mythkit is a mnemonic allegory of futures, witnessing, listening, unravelling and remembering.  An activism of materiality and collaboration, inhabiting ecology without ownership. By mimicking and mirroring nature/life strategies, emergent stories of biotic cohabitation are woven into fruition, embodying evolutionary activism in a decaying modern world.

Small Tongue Orchid (Cryptostylis leptochila) pseudocopluation, pheromone sensory trap (2024)
banana fibre processed with Helle Jorgensen, Corn husk, agave fibre-collected in Mexico, hemp fibre, bamboo fibre, NPY Women's Council Raffia, remnant stainless steel
49 x 95 x 27 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU. 
Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)

Orchid Sonic Weaving, 2023
with Sue Simpson, Natalia Lagi'itaua Mann, Merindi Schrieber, Katharina Nargar, Loni Fitzpatrick, and Michelle Chapman

voices, viola, harps on Buluwai Country, QLD; field recordings on Eastern Kuku Yalanji Country – Daintree Rainforest, QLD, and Bundjalung Country – Mount Jerusalem, NSW; interviews with evolutionary biologist and orchid specialist Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, QLD, and environmental scientist and rainforest seed specialist Michelle Chapman, DNA amino acid translation, saw, piano strings, synth
Viola, Saw, Body Percussion, Synth, Vocals- Sue Simpson
Harp, Vocals- Natalia Lagi'itaua Mann
Lead Vocals- Merindi Schrieber
Harp, Vocals- Loni Fitzpatrick
Synth, Piano Strings, Percussive Ukulele, Body percussion, Pepper shaker- Charlotte Haywood
Spoken word- Dr Katharina Nargar, Michelle Chapman
Sound recording- Charlotte Haywood + Sue Simpson
Track mix/Sonic weaving- Charlotte Haywood
19 minutes 32 second

Blotched Hyacinth Orchid (2024)
Blotched Hyacinth Orchid (2024)

Blotched Hyacinth Orchid (Dipodium punctatum)- leafless; mycoheterotrophic adaptation (non-photosynthetic; solely acquiring energy from symbiotic relationship with fungi)  2024
Corn husk, sprouted turmeric rhizome, agave fibre-collected in Mexico, hemp fibre, bamboo fibre, NPY Women's Council Raffia, crucifix orchid roots,  remnant stainless steel
46 x 90 x 50 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU.                                             Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)

Tea Tree Orchid (2024)
Tea Tree Orchid (2024)

Tea Tree Orchid (Dendrobium canaliculatum)- Temporal drought resistance adaptation
Corn husk, sprouted turmeric rhizome, agave fibre-collected in Mexico, hemp fibre, bamboo fibre, remnant stainless steel rod
63 x 37 x 26 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU.                                             Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)

Flying Duck Orchid (2024)
Flying Duck Orchid (2024)

Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana major)- pseudocopulation
Corn husk, sprouted turmeric rhizome, agave fibre-collected in Mexico, hemp fibre, bamboo fibre, banana fibre processed with Helle Jorgensen, NPY Women's Council Raffia, vegetables, remnant stainless steel
70 x 29 x 45 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU.                                             Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)

Copper Beard Orchid (2024)
Copper Beard Orchid (2024)

Copper Beard Orchid (Calochilus campestris)- plant-insect coevolution; chemical ecology, pseudocopulation; critically endangered
banana fibre processed with Helle Jorgensen, agave fibre-collected in Mexico, raffia-shredded leaves of the palmyra palm native to Madagascar, gourds, vegetables, cotton sash cord, remnant stainless steel rod
60 x 60 x18 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU.                                             Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)

Lizard Orchid (2024)
Lizard Orchid (2024)

Lizard Orchid (Burneattia cuneata)-leafless; mycoheterotrophic adaptation (non-photosynthetic; solely acquiring energy from symbiotic relationship with fungi) 
agave fibre-collected in Mexico, hemp fibre, bamboo fibre, NPY Women's Council Raffia, remnant stainless steel
78 x 68 x 38 cm
Evolutionary biologist: Dr Katharina Nargar, Australian Tropical Herbarium, JCU.                                             Armature: Edward Horne (Horne Art Studio.)
